CondeHouse 2024 Collection Catalog EN

201 Walnut CW 1600 800 680 Japanese Oak NF 1500 800 710 Top board: random-match *The three figures separated by slashes (from left to right) for h and h1 are the heights of LD, D, and H type tables, respectively. *Top board: random-match h: 680/710/740 h1: 645/675/705 wbl: (inside / outside) 1020 1020/1390 d: 850 d: 900 d: 950 Japanese Elm Japanese Elm Japanese Elm Japanese Ash Japanese Cherry Japanese Ash Japanese Cherry Japanese Ash Japanese Cherry Japanese Oak Japanese Oak Japanese Oak Walnut Walnut Walnut 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 1400 w: