CondeHouse 2024 Collection Catalog EN

255 CondeHouse's original accessory collection is here to make your life more relaxed and comfortable. K-type cushions are designed by a Hokkaidoborn designer, Kajihara Kanako, based on Japanese flowers. ACCESSORY COLLECTION Cushion K 45×45 [Image②] 450×450 *Upholstered only with the special fabric (see below for more details) *Microfiber cushion Cushion K 65×50 [Image①] 650×500 *Upholstered only with the special fabric (see below for more details) *Microfiber cushion Cushion K 50×30 [Image③] 500×300 *Upholstered only with the special fabric (see below for more details) *Microfiber cushion ② KFWT+KRDBG 450 450 ③ KFWT+KTLGY 300 500 ① KTLGY+KRDBG 500 650 The special fabrics for Cushion K are selected from the collection of Kanako Kajihara, a textile designer from Hokkaido. The three fabrics are suggestive of Hokkaido nature, and unique especially in three-dimensional texture developed by the printing and heatshrinking process. You can combine two different fabrics. 10 30cm 0 20 KFWT KTLGY KRDBG The special fabrics for Cushion K Microfiber cushion Microfiber allows deep laid-back but is less subject to deformation. *These fabrics are available only for Cushion K. *Dry-cleanable *Please contact for pattern arrangement. *White cloth is put in between the fabrics for design.