CondeHouse StoryBook 2024

65 CondeHouse U.S.A. Overseas Agents WELLZ(Korea) APATO(Australia) NORHOR(China) ASITIS(China) ALOT LIVING(Hong Kong) GRAFUNKT(Singapore) Stanley Level Next(India) CHANINTR CRAFT(Thailand) DESIGNS LIGNA(Philippines) KING GOLD(Taiwan) MATISSE(New Zealand) TRENDIVITY(Mexico) KATTA(Indonesia) BENURRI(Israel) 2915 Red Hill Avenue, Suite A104 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 U.S.A. Tel +1・(1)949・247・7777 E-mail CondeHouse U.S.A. Mexico Canada United States Business Partner CondeHouse CondeHouse established local subsidiaries in San Francisco, U.S.A. in 1984 and in Germany in 2004, and has been expanding the brand across the world. Since its entry into South Korea in 2007, the company has also expanded its business in many countries in Asia.